General enquiries
The helpline is operated by UniSaver’s administration manager, Mercer. Mercer is your first port of call if you have a question about UniSaver.
Helpline: Call 0800 864 724 any time from 9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays). If calling from overseas: +61 3 8306 0967
You can contact UniSaver’s administration team for general queries at:
Or by post:
Scheme Administrator
UniSaver New Zealand
Mercer (N.Z.) Limited
PO Box 1849, Wellington 6140
Get information online
You can log in to the secure part of the site to check your account balances, change investment options and much more. To log in, you’ll need your member number and PIN/password. Call the helpline if you’ve forgotten your PIN/password. Note that we are changing the way you log in to your account on 12 March 2025. The first time you log in to your account from that date, you will need to follow a once-only authentication process. You can read more here.
We’re always interested in good ideas and constructive feedback. If there’s something you’d like to bring to the attention of the trustee directors, you can contact us at any time via the scheme secretary.
Jenny Taylor
Scheme Secretary
UniSaver New Zealand
PO Box 2897, Wellington 6140
Telephone (04) 819 2657
Resolving complaints
We are always looking for ways to improve our service to you. If something has gone wrong, we want to know. Please send an email to and tell us what has happened and how we can resolve matters. If you have any documents or correspondence that will help us understand your complaint, please attach them to the email.
When we receive your complaint, we will:
- acknowledge your complaint within 1-2 days
- gather and evaluate information about your complaint
- respond to you within 20 working days.
Disputes resolution service
If we cannot resolve the complaint, you can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL) - a financial ombudsman service. FSCL is an independent ombudsman and external dispute resolution service approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008. FSCL’s service is free of charge to you.
You can contact FSCL:
- by calling 0800 347 257
- by emailing
- through FSCL’s website: [external link]
- by writing to: FSCL, PO Box 5967, Wellington 6011

Further information
For more information, read this guide to our complaints process [PDF, 18 KB].