Look out for our member survey

Please take a few minutes out of your day to complete our member survey. It’s your opportunity to let us know what’s working well and what could be improved. Take part and you’ll have the opportunity to go in the draw for one of two $250 Prezzy® Cards. Look out for an email on Monday 8 July from independent research company Reid Research, which will include your own personalised link to the survey. The link includes a user ID and password so you can save your responses and come back to it later if you wish. The survey takes about 8 minutes to complete.

Mary Holm national seminar tour

In late August and September, we’ll be presenting a new seminar series throughout the country with popular financial journalist Mary Holm ONZM. Mary is the author of seven books on personal finance and is well known for her column in the NZ Herald and regular spot on RNZ National. 

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Market outlook

The key question of the year has been whether the U.S. economy is headed toward a soft-landing, hard-landing, or no-landing scenario—and a clear answer has yet to emerge.

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2024 election result

Toby Daglish has been re-elected for a further term after first joining the board in 2021. Toby is Associate Professor of Finance at Victoria University of Wellington. Joining him as a member-elected director is Jedrzej Bialkowski, Professor of Finance at University of Canterbury.Thank you to all our nominees for their willingness to offer their time and expertise to the benefit of the scheme and its members. We had a good deal of feedback from members disappointed at the lack of gender diversity among this year’s candidates. This is something that we are aware of and keep in mind when making appointments. It should be noted that, for those directors appointed by the universities, there is an equal gender split. It’s also something for members to keep in mind the next time we call for nominations when considering whether to stand or who they could nominate.   

2024 fund updates

We are required to prepare formal reports called fund updates at 31 March each year for each investment option and for UniSteps [external link] at a range of representative ages. The fund updates for the year ended 31 March 2024 are available on our website [external link] and the Disclose Register [external link] along with the annual report and financial statements for the year to 31 December 2023, which were published in March.

Accessing funds if you're experiencing financial hardship

Late last year, several media outlets reported a rise in the number of significant financial hardship applications from KiwiSaver members as cost of living pressures began to bite. We’ve noticed a similar trend.

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Options for members aged 65+

From age 65, you can withdraw some or all of your savings in the standard and locked sections of UniSaver. Here are your options.

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Strong finish to 2023 investment year

There has been a significant uptick in market returns since we last reported to members. At the time, most members had experienced 3 consecutive months of negative returns. However, November and December saw a major turnaround with very strong returns both from equities and bonds.

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2023 investment commentary

Commentary on the 2023 year by Russell Investments, UniSaver’s investment manager and consultant. 

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2023 annual report

The annual report and financial statements for the year to 31 December 2023 are available to view online. They have been posted on the Disclose Register [external link] and on this website under documents and forms. You are entitled to receive a hard copy of these documents free of charge. Call the helpline, and we’ll send them to you.

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Who gets your money if you die?

We will pay your benefit to your legal personal representative(s) if you die while you are an active member of UniSaver or while you are entitled to a deferred benefit from the scheme.

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Mary Holm webinar

View a webinar on retirement planning recorded with Mary Holm in September 2022. There's also a handout with key points and references from the webinar, plus links to articles.

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Let us know if you’re leaving

Your benefit is not paid automatically when you leave work. You need to fill in form12 leaving form [PDF, 121 KB] in order to access your savings. 

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