About retained membership

You don't need to withdraw your money from UniSaver when you leave work. You can choose to leave all or part of your benefit in UniSaver and become a retained member. Your member contributions and employer contributions will cease. However, if you are a locked member, you will be able to make top-up contributions to your member locked account to qualify for the maximum government contribution - read more about voluntary contributions.

You will continue to earn interest on your savings in the usual way. You can also change your investment choice at any time. You can remain a retained member indefinitely so long as you maintain a balance of at least $5,000 in your accounts.

Managing your money in retirement

UniSaver has a facility to set up regular withdrawals so you can effectively pay yourself a monthly pension in retirement. You might find these rules of thumb on retirement spending helpful in setting the payment amount. You can change the amount when you need to.

Conventional wisdom is that the closer you are to needing to draw on your savings, the more conservative your investment strategy should be. That doesn’t mean you need to have all your money invested in a low-risk fund on retirement. At that point, you may need your savings to provide an income for 20 years or more, so you still need money invested for the long term. One approach is to invest money you plan to spend in the near-term in a low-risk fund and money you plan to spend in the longer-term in a higher risk fund or funds. You’ll find information on this approach in Sorted’s guide to managing your money in retirement [external link]. UniSaver is ideal for this strategy. You can split your savings across a number of investment options and nominate which fund you want payments to be made from.


A monthly administration fee will be deducted from your account. The current fees for retained members are listed here.

How to become a retained member

Complete form 12 leaving form [PDF, 121 KB] and choose the 'retain' option in Part B. You can choose to retain your savings in the standard and/or locked sections.

Making withdrawals

As a retained member, you can make ad hoc partial withdrawals or set up a regular monthly payment. If you’re invested in more than one investment option (except UniSteps), you can nominate which option you want the funds withdrawn from. If you don’t nominate an option, the funds will be withdrawn proportionally from across your investment options.

Regular withdrawals

As a retained member, you can set up a regular monthly payment from UniSaver to a nominated bank account. There is a one-off establishment fee for setting up a regular monthly payment. You won't be charged a fee for each monthly payment or for changing the amount of the payment. 

You must maintain a balance of at least $5,000 to remain a retained member. If a withdrawal reduces the balance in your accounts to less than $5,000, your remaining balance will be paid to you and your membership of UniSaver will cease.

Regular withdrawals are subject to the rules about locked accounts (see below).

To set up a regular withdrawal, complete form 14 retained member - withdrawal [PDF, 111 KB] and send it to Mercer.

Partial withdrawals

As a retained member, you can also make ad hoc partial withdrawals. The first partial withdrawal in any 12-month period is free. A fee will be charged for the second and any subsequent withdrawal in that same period.

You must maintain a balance of at least $5,000 to remain a retained member. If a withdrawal reduces the balance in your accounts to less than $5,000 your remaining balance will be paid to you and your membership of UniSaver will cease.

Any withdrawal is subject to the rules about locked accounts (see below).

To make a partial withdrawal, complete form 14 retained member - withdrawal [PDF, 111 KB] and send it to Mercer.

Total withdrawal

You can withdraw the total balance of your accounts by completing form 14 retained member - withdrawal [PDF, 111 KB] and sending it to Mercer. Any withdrawal is subject to the rules about locked accounts (see below). You will also be charged a termination fee. The current fees for retained members are listed here.

You can also transfer your savings to another scheme. If you transfer savings in the standard section to another scheme, those savings will be subject to the rules of that scheme. That means, if you transfer savings in the standard section to another complying superannuation fund or KiwiSaver scheme, you generally won’t be able to withdraw that money until you reach the age of eligibility for New Zealand Superannuation (currently age 65).

Withdrawals from locked accounts

You are only eligible to make withdrawals from your locked accounts if you have reached the age 65. If you are eligible, you can make a partial or total withdrawal from your locked accounts using form 14 retained member - withdrawal [PDF, 111 KB]. You will need to complete the statutory declaration included on the form the first time you make a withdrawal from your locked accounts.

You can transfer the balance of your locked in accounts to another complying superannuation fund or KiwiSaver scheme at any time. Again, complete form 14 retained member - withdrawal [PDF, 111 KB]. You don't need to complete the statutory declaration.

Restarting contributions

You can restart contributions to UniSaver if you are a retained member who subsequently takes up a role with your previous or another participating employer. When you rejoin as a contributing member, we will set up a new account for any contributions you make to the standard section. These contributions and earnings on those contributions will be subject to the withdrawal provisions that apply to contributing members.

Any account balances you have currently in the standard section will be ring-fenced as retained benefits. This means you can make a partial or total withdrawal from your retained benefits in the standard section at any time just as you can now. However, you won’t be able to set up regular withdrawals. Use form 10 In-service withdrawal [PDF, 96 KB] to withdraw retained funds in your standard account. 

Any account balances you have currently in the locked section or any future contributions you make to the locked section are subject to the withdrawal provisions that apply to locked members.

Fixed-term employees

You can contribute to UniSaver if you are on a fixed-term employment agreement of any duration. There is no minimum term because you are already a member of the scheme. However, you may only contribute to the locked section. You cannot contribute to the standard section even if you were able to previously.


Retained members are charged a monthly administration fee. This fee will no longer be applied once you restart contributions. You won't be charged a fee for any withdrawals you make from your retained benefits. See tax and fees.

How to rejoin as a contributing member

Complete form 15 retained member - restart contributions [PDF, 120 KB].